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Yuxiao Chang Lab



  Yuxiao (Sean) Chang, Principle Investigator, Doctoral Advisor ,Research Professor, “Outstanding Young talents” of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science(CAAS), “Overseas high-Caliber Personnel”. His research focuses on rice functional genomics. He participated in the creation of rice T-DNA insertional mutant library and cloned a number of genes controlling rice fertility with these T-DNA insertional mutant. These results are published in the Plant Cell, Plant physiology and the Plant Journal. Currently, He is engaged in the development of a novel NGS methods and its application and industrialization, He has successfully developed a variety of novel methods related to DNA sequencing and applied for patents.


  Working Experience

  2015.2–Present          Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS          Research Professor          

  2010.5 - 2012.9         The Wistar Institute                                                                  Postdoctoral fellow                                                    

  2012.10 – 2015.1      The Jackson Laboratory for Genomics Medicine                 Postdoctoral fellow   


  Education Experience

  2002.9-2009.12        Huazhong Agricultural University            Ph.D          

  1997.9 -2001.7         Henan Agricultural University                  Bachelor     


  Research Interest

  My research interest is focusing on develop cutting-edge technologies for plant breeders, including high efficiency tools for whole genome genotyping at different density based on next generation sequencing (NGS) technology, breeding information systems.

  With the well rapid progress on plant functional genomics and molecular marker systems, there is a rapidly rising trend in the application of molecular marker assays for gene mapping and discovery in plant research. Currently, most of the commercially genotyping methods were chip-based, however, the techniques for manufacture of chip are monopolized by some international enterprise and the price are too high to be used widely by breeders in China. The rapid decreasing of NGS cost opens potential opportunity to replace chip-based genotyping methods, but the cost for library preparation step is still too high. We have developed a couple of novel methods for NGS library preparation which generated molecular marker at various density for different purpose, but the method for genotyping in target sites are still absent. we will develop a novel method for high efficiency molecular marker in target sites based on methods we have set up now. With the decrease in sequencing cost as well as the novel methods we have developed or will do recently, we predict that in the future, the majority cost for plant sample genotyping will be the labor fee instead of reagent cost for molecular biology, hence, it will be critical to set up the method for NGS library preparation by liquid handler, we aimed to set up the software for our novel methods for whole genome genotyping.    


  Major Achievements

  Developed an improved method for large size DNA recovery which facilitated the Fosmid library preparation. Developed an improved library preparation method for cost effective and high-throughput next-generation sequencing.



 Selected Publications (#co-first author; *co-corresponding author)

  1. Xinchao Wang#, Hu Feng#, Yuxiao Chang#, Chunlei Ma#, Liyuan Wang#, Xinyuan Hao#, A’lun Li, Hao Cheng , Lu Wang, Peng Cui, Jiqiang Jin, Xiaobo Wang, Kang Wei, Cheng Ai, Sheng Zhao, Zhichao Wu, Youyong Li, Benying Liu, Guodong Wang*, Liang Chen*, Jue Ruan*, Yajun Yang*. Population sequencing enhances understanding of tea plant evolution, Nature communications, 2020, 11(1):4447.

  2. Sheng Zhao#, Cuicui Zhang#, Jiangqiang Mu, Hui Zhang, Wen Yao, Xinhua Ding, Junqiang Ding*, Yuxiao Chang*. All-in-one sequencing: an improved library preparation method for cost-effective and high-throughput next-generation sequencing, Plant Methods, 2020, 16:74.

  3. Ping Li#, Haoju Liu#, Hong Yang, Xiaojun Pu, Chuanhong Li, Heqiang Huo, Zhaohui Chu, Yuxiao Chang, Yongjun Lin*, Li Liu*. Translocation of Drought-Responsive Proteins from the Chloroplasts, Cells 2020, 9(1), 259.

  4. Ce Deng, Huimin Li, Zhimin Li, Zhiqiang Tian, Jiafa Chen, Gengshen Chen, Xuecai Zhang, Junqiang Ding*, Yuxiao Chang*. New QTL for resistance to Puccinia polysora  Underw in maize, Journal of Applied Genetics, 2019, 60: 147-150.

  5. Changsong Zou, Leiting Li, Daisuke Miki, Deli Li, Qiming Tang, Lihong Xiao, Santosh Rajput, Ping Deng, Li Peng, Wei Jia, Ru Huang, Meiling Zhang, Yidan Sun, Jiamin Hu, Xing Fu, Patrick S. Schnable, Yuxiao Chang, Feng Li, Hui Zhang, Baili Feng, Xinguang Zhu, Renyi Liu, James C. Schnable, Jiankang Zhu*, Heng Zhang*. The genome of broomcorn millet, Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 436-446.

  6. Zhiyong Li, Yifeng Wang, Babatunde Kazeem Bello, Abolore Adijat Ajadi, Xiaohong Tong, Yuxiao Chang*, Jian Zhang*. Construction of a Quantitative Acetylomic Tissue Atlas in Rice (Oryza sativa  L.), Molecules, 2018, 23(11): 2843-2859.

  7. Xingwang Li, Yuxiao Chang, Xiaodong Xin, Chunmei Zhu, Xianghua Li, James D Higgins, Changyin Wu*. Replication protein A2c coupled with replication protein A1c regulates crossover formation during meiosis in rice, Plant Cell, 2013, 25(10): 3885-3899.

  8. Yuxiao Chang, Tuan Long, Changyin Wu*. Effort and contribution of T-DNA Insertion mutant library for rice functional genomics research in China: review and perspective, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2012, 54(12): 953-966.

  9. Yanjun Kou, Yuxiao Chang, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao, Shiping Wang*. The rice RAD51C gene is required for the meiosis of both female and male gametocytes and the DNA repair of somatic cells, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(14): 5323-5335.

  10. Yuxiao Chang, Liang Gong, Wenya Yuan, Xingwang Li, Guoxing Chen, Xianghua Li, Qifa Zhang, Changyin Wu*. Replication protein A (RPA1a) is required for meiotic and somatic DNA repair but is dispensable for DNA replication and homologous recombination in rice, Plant Physiology, 2009, 151(4): 2162-2173.

  11. 张翠翠#,赵胜#,王越,张鹏 ,常玉晓*. 利用高效的大片段 DNA 回收方法改良 Fosmid 文库的构建,生物技术通报,2020, 36(7):17-23. 


  Selected Patent
